Internet Security


Internet Security

While it’s probably not the best idea to run a self-diagnosis on yourself with WebMD, there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be diagnosing issues with your technology—especially your smartphone.  Is it time to declutter your smartphone? Or is it time to invest in a mobile antivirus to fend o.....
You clicked the link in the email to reset your online banking password. But are you really sure that the bank security team sent that email? Too late. You just fell for a phishing email scam, and now your account data is compromised.  However, most phishing emails contain glaring red flags. You jus.....
It’s likely that you heard of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, for the first time when one of them was sold at an art auction this year for a headline-making sum—69 million USD, to be exact. This news prompted articles attempting to address the most obvious question: What are NFTs? Many who read them s.....
In late 2021, Netflix announced it would test a new feed for kids on its iOS app. Similar to TikTok and Instagram Reels, Kids Clips will feature short videos—but designed to be viewed in landscape (horizontally), as they are taken from Netflix’s existing library of TV shows and movies for children. .....
Did an unknown device just sign in to your Facebook account? Or has your password changed unexpectedly, blocking you from your Instagram account? Your account’s been hacked! Your social media account is hacked or hijacked when someone gains unauthorized access to it. This usually means they have fou.....
Dating apps can seem antithetical to maintaining personal privacy. It’s a situation in which you’re expected to provide information about yourself to strangers—the more information the better, one might say, with clear photos and numerous personal facts. But this does not seem like a good idea, with.....
You probably use your home’s Wi-Fi router every day for everything from streaming to banking. So it’s important to make sure it’s secure. Because your router is a gateway between your devices and the internet, anyone with access to it can exert a significant amount of control—which, if left unchecke.....
With so much talk about how secure Apple's iPhone is, are all the tales of Android's shortcomings true? After all, it is Apple that is talking about the iPhone's superiority when it comes to security. Is this just marketing, or is iOS genuinely more secure than Android? It is no secret that Android .....

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